Five of Wands

Five of Wands
The Five of Wands is a card that suggests conflict. Be it conflict within ourselves, or conflict with others. This tension could be current or will perhaps enter your life soon.
If you're struggling right now with comparing yourself to others, the Five of Wands is here to remind you that doing this will not serve you. There are so many things we do not see in other peoples lives, it's not fair to ourselves to compare our behind the scenes with someone else's highlight reel. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is your past self. What constructive thing can you do today that past you wouldn't have done?
This card can also tell us that you may not be getting along well with someone, or multiple people. There may have been an argument or lack of communication, which has caused some tension. The best way to smooth things over is to address it and discuss it in a calm manner if possible. It might be difficult, but try to practice patience and really hear out the other person, even if you feel like you've been wronged. Things don't always have to end in shouting matches and clenched fists.
Another meaning the Five of Wands brings us is that of competition. You may be in a position right now where you feel like you need to compete with those around you. Feelings of jealousy, envy and greed may be knocking on your door. Competition can be a great way to improve ourselves, and it doesn't mean we need to lash out at those on the other side. They've worked just as hard as you to end up in the exact same place. If you think about it, these are the people you probably have the most in common with!
Conflict, Tension, Arguments, Competition
Agreements, Harmony, Peace, Cooperation
Card in Reverse:
The Five of Wands in reverse can tell us that your default way of handling disagreements could be avoiding them all together. Sometimes this works, but not always. This card tells us that you have what it takes to handle confrontation in a very healthy way, even if it feels super uncomfortable. Instead of things escalating to shouting matches, you're able to keep the peace, practice patience, listen and come to an understanding with those you have disagreements with. This doesn't always mean you both end up agreeing, but you can at least be civil.

Conflict with partner, Competition with another suitor
Avoiding conflict, Keeping the peace, Harmony
Competing with colleagues, Conflict at work
Avoiding conflict, Resolution, Cooperation
Upright: If you are currently single, you may be finding yourself pursuing someone who has quite a few suitors. This might make you want to compete for their affection - which is okay, but if done incorrectly, could end up pushing them away. Don't pay any mind to what others are doing, and just focus on making them happy.
If you are in a relationship, there could be some tension between you two at this time. It could be something big, or something really small. If there is something that calls for resolution, approach them in a calm and loving way and see if you can resolve it. Listen and practice patience. Your partner is not your enemy, the issue is.
Reversed: If you are one that tends to avoid conflict, check yourself at this time to see if there is any bottled up resentment towards your partner. It can be dangerous and unhealthy to bottle up these feelings, as they tend to burst out of us without warning. Collect your thoughts and feelings and approach your partner calmly. Perhaps there were just a few misunderstandings. Every person is different and have different needs. Sometimes this can create tension if we don't understand where the other person is coming from.
Upright: Competition at work is common. Perhaps you are competing with others on sales or for a specific position. Regardless of what the end goal is, the Five of Wands tells us that you're up to the task of fighting to get what you want. Just remember that fighting to succeed doesn't always have to be malicious.
This card can also suggest conflict at work. If it's possible, try facing it head on. Discuss with those you have tension with what the issue is. It's possible that there was just a misunderstanding. Listen to what others have to say and see if you can come to an agreement. If not, perhaps it's a sign that this work place isn't a good fit for you.
Reversed: The Five of Wands in reverse can tell us that a tension at work is coming to an end. Perhaps something has been resolved or will be soon, making work feel less competitive and more cooperative.