Six of Swords

Moving on, Leaving something behind, Distance, Acceptance
Stuck, Trapped, Returning to something unhelpful, Running away
Six of Swords
This card shows us a Pixie that is slowly flying away, loosely gripping a sword that they will perhaps be letting go of... leaving it behind them with the other swords. You may be going through a change or transition at this time. Perhaps this change has not exactly brought you happiness, but it is necessary for growth. Sometimes we are met with difficult choices, or are even forced to follow through with a change that we didn't want or ask for. Just know that whatever this choice is, be it one you made or one that was put on you, it is for your greatest good and you will come out stronger.
Card in Reverse:
The Six of Swords in reverse can tell us that you may be returning to something that was not necessarily serving you. It could be a person, a habit, a way of thinking... Change can often be uncomfortable, which can sometimes make us want to return to something that feels comfortable. But just because it's comfortable, doesn't always mean that it is what is best.
This card can also mean you are stuck in a certain place and/or situation that may be difficult for you to get through. It can also indicate that you are running away from something rather than facing it head on. Running away from difficult matters doesn't help us in the end. It will just prolong the inevitable.
Leaving a toxic job, Settling into a new role at work
Moving on from a relationship, Getting over a breakup, Healing over a fight
Can't let go or move on, Stuck in the past
Trapped in a toxic job, Self-sabotage, Feeling stuck at work
Upright: The Six of Swords in love can be a sign that tensions will be dying down soon. Perhaps you've been fighting a lot with your partner as of late, or have just been getting into disagreements more often than usual. There will be healing taking place soon between you and your loved one, and you will both be leaving the hard times in the past. Alternatively, you could finally be letting go of a past relationship that meant a lot to you. It takes a while for us to heal sometimes, and the Six of Swords is here to tell you that that time is now.
Reversed: It's possible that you are heavily invested into a relationship that you just can't seem to let go of or move on from. This relationship could be one you are currently in, or one that has already ended. Either way, there is something that is keeping you stuck here, and it's not helping you find happiness. What is it that you are finding it so hard to let go of?
Upright: A stressful and tense period at work may be coming to an end. Relief awaits you on the other side. Things are going to start moving forward for you at work. There is a chance that this new chapter comes with a bitter sweetness. You might have had to give up something you enjoyed, or needed to move for work, or perhaps take someone else's job in order to make this new progression. Whatever it is, know that it is for the best for everyone involved and that any open wounds will heal over healthily and stronger than before.
Reversed: Work may be draining your energy right now. There could be conflicts and disagreements happening right now. You might want to leave, but there is something beyond your power that is keeping you stuck there. Alternatively, you may be struggling with letting something go in regards to work. Be it an idea, a project, a conflict you had. It's taking up space in your mind and you just can't seem to move on from it.