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Endings, Change, Letting go, Transition, New beginnings

Ruling Planet: Pluto

Element: Water



Number 13, the Death card.

The Death card brings along with it a sense of elegance. A Pixie skeleton walks through a grave yard, leaving behind new roses with every step it takes. The sun and moon in the back represent change, cycles, new beginnings and endings.
The crown in the ground reminds us that no matter our stature in life, we all face the same fate.
The Death card is not one to be feared, but welcomed. It tells us that a major chapter in our life is about to end, and that does not have to be looked at as being a bad thing.
Perhaps an older version of you needs to "die" in order to for you to create a new one.
Change is often scary, but is always around us, for change is the only constant in life. If we look at change as being a positive thing, it can lead us to all sorts of new and exciting opportunities.
The Death card can also tell us that you may need to let go of unhealthy attachments. Be it a job, a place, a relationship, a way of thinking, a physical item... If it is no longer serving you and is just draining your energy, perhaps it's time to put it in the past and move on.



Fear of change, Decay, Continuing negative patterns

Card in Reverse:

In reverse, the Death card tells us that perhaps you are trying to avoid change. There is something you're resisting and it's causing you a lot of stress. You may be worried about letting go of something important to you, or you may be afraid of what would happen if you did let that thing go.
It can be scary because we don't know what will happen in the future, so we hold on to what is familiar to us. But in order to grow and move in the direction that best serves us, we sometimes have to let go of things that once gave us comfort; or else we will just be stuck in the same place forever.
We cannot repeat the same things over and over again and expect a different outcome. In order to create new things in our life, we must perform new actions.




Changes in love and friendship, Ending a relationship


Resisting change in romance/friendships, Unable to change toxic patterns



Change in the work place, Leaving an unfulfilling career, Change in finances


Repeating work habits that don't serve you, Lack of growth, Resisting change

Upright: In love, Death can tell us that perhaps there are some emotional dynamics in your relationship that are no longer working for you. In order for the relationship to continue to grow, it's necessary to embrace change. Everyone changes, so we must remember that you wont be in a relationship with the same person they were when the relationship started 5 years ago.
If things are difficult, remember to always have open communication. If changes need to be made, voice them. It's important that we all have our needs met.
This card can also suggest that a relationship may need to end. If the relationship no longer has love present, and it is only causing heartache, perhaps it's time to let that relationship go.

Reversed: The Death card in love reversed can suggest that there is a strong resistance to change when it comes to romance and/or friendship. Perhaps a new situation has presented itself that would cause a certain dynamic to change. Or maybe the other party is changing in a way that you don't like or want. There is also the possibility that nothing is changing and it's only causing the same things to repeat themselves; resulting in frustration and stress.
You could be staying in a relationship only because it's familiar and comfortable, and you're afraid of being alone... but you are not improving, growing or moving in a direction that will help you get what you desire in life.
You may have some old wounds that need healing in order for you to feel comfortable with change. It may be hard at first, but in the end it will help you get the love, friendship and life you've always wanted.

Upright: If you've been thinking about switching careers or starting up that business you've been thinking about for ages, the Death card is a sign that you should take that leap! You may have been clinging to a certain job because it offers stability, but it was unfulfilling to you and preventing you from growing. It may be scary to leave that job or ask for that new position, and it may feel very uncomfortable for a little while, but in the end it will feel incredibly rewarding and fulfilling.

Reversed: There may be change happening in the workplace that you are trying to avoid. You might also be sticking to a job that is unfulfilling to you because you're afraid of not being able to pay the bills. If we want a job or position that is fulfilling, we must have the courage to take that risk and step towards it, or else we will forever be stuck and never blossom.
This card can also suggest that you're repeating negative patterns in regards to work. Does your imposter syndrome prevent you from making sales? Are you self-sabotaging? Maybe you play the victim when something goes wrong?
Take a look at your past actions and beliefs. What needs to change in order to succeed?

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