A journey, Success, Ambition, Determination, Willpower, Self-discipline, Confidence
Ruling Planet: Moon
Element: Water
The Chariot

Number 7, The Chariot
The Chariot shows us a Pixie confidently floating in the air, allowing their horses to pull them along on their journey. This allows them to save their energy for bigger and more important things, and allows them to focus on what is most important to them while their horses lead the way.
The Chariot card is all about overcoming obstacles and conflicts. It's message to you is to keep on going. You have the strength and willpower inside you to achieve your goals. Keep focused and feel comforted knowing that you have what it takes to power through and maintain course, even when the road gets bumpy.
Lack of direction, Scattered energy, Self-doubt, Powerless, Obstacles
Card in Reverse:
Have you been feeling a bit scattered? Perhaps a little lost? The Chariot card asks us what it is we may be lacking in. Focus? Motivation? Willpower?
The Chariot card can suggest that you may be experiencing a lack of control and/or direction. Outside forces have seemingly taken hold of your life and are throwing you around without mercy. This card can serve as a reminder that you can take hold of your life again. Think about what it is you need to do to get back on track and then take the smallest possible step towards that change. Continue on taking small steps and soon you will be back in the divers seat.

Taking action and/or control in love life, Stability
Feeling lost in love, Obsessed with trying to find love
Motivation, Ambitious
Lack of ambition, Powerlessness
Upright: If you are currently single, the Chariot card is telling you that now is the time to take clear action in your love life. Figure out what it is you are looking for and then pursue it. Your confidence and drive will help lead you to your dreams.
While on your journey, be sure to take control of both horses. One horse may try to pull you in a different direction towards temptation, while the other one leads you to more stability. Find balance between the two and get yourself on the right path.
If you are currently in a relationship, the Chariot can tell us that you are in a healthy and stable relationship. Both horses are walking together as one, exploring and experiencing the same journey.
Reversed: The Chariot in reverse can tell us that you may be feeling a little overwhelmed when it comes to finding love. Perhaps you feel desperate or lost, so much so that you've forgotten many of your goals and aspirations. We can't control everything that is around us, and we definitely cannot control anyone else. Try to gather your horses and get back on track. Have patience and take comfort in knowing that love is found in the places and activities that you love.
Upright: The Chariot tells us that you have a clear understanding of what you want and your ambition will take you far. You know your destination and you have the focus to get you there. Motivation is high, you've got the self-discipline and drive you need to achieve success. If you were looking for a sign on whether or not to take that leap towards your future, take this as the sign to do so!
Reversed: Right now you could be feeling a lack of ambition and/or motivation. You could also be lacking in focus and drive. What are you doing right now to reach your goals? The only way to make something happen is to actually get up and do it yourself, or else nothing will ever happen. What are some small steps you can take today to reach your career goals?