Completion, Achievement, Fulfilment, Sense of Belonging, Harmony, Success, Flow, Balance
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
The World

Number 21, The World Card.
In this card, we see a dancing Pixie holding a magic wand. They are surrounded by the 4 elements, which also represents the 4 corners of the universe. They are wrapped in ribbons, accompanied by a wreath behind them.
The wreath symbolizes success and the ribbons are reminiscent of infinity and purity. The Pixie symbolizes balance and movement. They are ever changing, as is the universe. Forever changing, yet in harmony with all.
When we see The World card present itself, it is a gift of great unity and wholeness. It symbolizes enlightenment, the moment when inner and outer worlds become a single entity. It represents being linked to all things, synchronicity, feeling a sense of balance and connection. We are all swaying to one rhythm, one beat, that we all share and experience together.
The World card is one that represents completion, fulfillment and achievement. It shows us that your efforts are paying off. Perhaps you've completed a major milestone in your life. It shows us that you have built up a new resilience and strength to withstand challenges in life.
This card also shows is that you desire to make a positive impact in your community. You have a passion and desire to make the world a better place.
Lack of closure, Lack of achievement, Feeling incomplete, Emptiness, Feeling stuck
Card in Reverse:
The World card in reverse can have a very heavy and unsettling feeling.
You've accomplished so much along your path, but there is a strange emptiness inside when you look back on all you've achieved. It feels as if though there is something missing; a connection to something.
Look inside you and ask yourself what could be missing.
Do you feel connected to what you're doing in life? Would you be happier doing something else? Do you feel a loss of connection with others? What would help you feel whole?
Practice mindfulness at this time. Try journaling and meditation to help bring you back to the moment and reflect.

Feeling loved & grateful, Harmony, Balance, Strong & healthy connection
Missing something in love life, Lack of connection, Discord
Completing career goal, fulfilling career, Balance, Completing financial goal
False measure of success, Unfulfillment despite financial comfort, Unfulfilling job
Upright: You feel a deep fulfilment in your love life. The World tarot love meaning shows a feeling of gratitude, harmony and happiness. Sometimes this card is a sign that it's safe to move to the next step in your relationship.
Even when single, there is still a sense of fulfilment and gratefulness to be felt here. Before entering a relationship, it is important to feel like a whole person. You are confident and comfortable on your own and you feel a great joy within yourself. After all, a relationship isn't about finding your other half, it's when two whole beings come together to create something beautiful.
Keep an eye open for opportunities to meet new and exciting people!
Reversed: It feels as if something may be missing in your love life. The reversed World tarot in love shows us a feeling of incompletion and disconnection.
Things may be going very well in your life, and you are so close to feeling fulfillment and harmony, but something is in the way and is preventing you from seeing it.
Is your current relationship feeling less colourful? Is a past relationship preventing you from seeing the beauty of your current one? Is there a loss of closure from a past lover? Try journaling and reflecting on the past. What patterns show up?
Upright: Congratulations! You're doing everything you've set out to do in regards to your career and/or finances. Perhaps you found a job that meets your needs spiritually and materially.
Sit back and bask in your achievements. Feel proud of yourself and know that all the hard work you put in was worth it.
Reversed: The reversed World tarot in career can suggest nearing completion of a goal, but maybe missing the final pieces it needs to make it feel fulfilling. Perhaps you even achieved a long time goal, but it didn't feel as rewarding as you thought it might.
Take a look at your goals and check in with yourself on the intention behind them. Are they being influenced by the way others perceive success? Maybe you've set your bar too low, making your goal feeling unchallenging.
Write down your goals and ask yourself why you want to reach them. How would it make you feel? Reevaluate and make adjustments where it is necessary.