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Queen of Cups


Healer, Compassion, Warmth, Kindness


Overly sensitive, Insecure, Fragile, Overly altruistic

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups symbolizes compassion and healing. They are calm and collected, as they allow the water to run between their fingers. Water is the element that aligns with the suit of Cups, which represents emotions. Water can be calm and flowing, or rough and choppy. The Queen of Cups understands this, and is able to connect with others very easily on an emotional level.
This card can indicate that you are someone else's emotional rock. You are able to connect with others deeply and truly help those in need. Use your intuition when helping others and listen to your heart.
Alternatively, this card can also be a sign that you should seek out help from someone else. The Queen of Cups is here to remind you that vulnerability creates connection. Don't forget to show love and kindness to yourself.
Sometimes the Queen of Cups can get swept away with their own emotions, which means they can sometimes be irrational and lack common sense. However, their intuition is strong and one could say that they have psychic abilities. This card could be a sign to listen to your heart when the logical answers don't seem to be working.

Card in Reverse:

In reverse, the Queen of Cups can be a sign that you are disconnected to your emotions. Expressing how you feel is difficult and you would much rather avoid your feelings rather than face them. Bottling up our emotions can be harmful and weigh heavy on our shoulders, and can eventually lead us to a breaking point. Your stress levels may be high at this time, and you may be substituting the good feelings with unhelpful vices.
Alternatively, you may be letting your imagination run wild. You can't seem to get a grasp of your emotions, allowing them to completely take over your mind, body and spirit. You don't necessarily have any bad intentions, but take this card as a sign to step back and breathe. Check in with yourself. Are your thoughts serving you well? What can you do to ground yourself? How can you make your dreams a reality?







Compassionate co-worker, Emotionally fulfilling job

Strengthening existing relationships, Compassion, Supportive and caring lover

Dependent/clingy partner, Giving more than receiving, Fragile partner

Burnout, Fragile emotions at work

Upright: The Queen of Cups in love can suggest that you are quite likeable. You have a natural ability to connect with others, which can result in having many admirers. Just be mindful and be sure to set boundaries with others. Having the ability to connect deeply with others can sometimes result in unwanted attention, or a needy/clingy partner.
If you are currently partnered, you can enjoy a deeper love connection right now. Your bond is strong and multifaceted.

Reversed: It could be possible that you are giving more in your relationship(s) than receiving right now. Do you find yourself feeling tired, drained and lonely? Do you feel more like a parent or friend rather than a lover? Something in your relationship is off-balanced. Perhaps it's time to talk to your partner and see what can be done to help strengthen your connection.
Alternatively, emotions could be very high right now. Perhaps you and your partner fight a lot, or one of you is often easily triggered; causing the other to feel like they need to tip toe around. The water this relationship is floating on is choppy and dramatic. What can be done to help steer this boat to calmer waters?

Upright: Others at work may look at you as the emotional care-taker. They see you as someone they can rely on and will often come to you when they need some support. While this can often be a wonderful role, just remember to look after yourself as well. You can't pour from an empty cup.
This card in the upright position in career can also serve as a reminder that you need to have a job that emotionally fulfills you. If your current job does not do that for you, perhaps it's time to seek out a job or position that does.

Reverse: You may be feeling emotionally drained at work right now. It's possible that you could be experiencing burn out. Have you been giving more than you're able? While it's great to want to do well at work, it's also important to think realistically about what you're able to contribute. We can't work and do our best when we have no fuel in the tank. What is it that would make you happy? Try to take care of your emotional health and well-being at this time.

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