Balance, Harmony, Peace, Tranquility, Serenity, Moderation
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Number 14, Temperance card.
The Temperance card shows us a Pixie holding two bowls of water that connect and flow into each other. The runes on the bowls are Algiz and Yr, the symbols of life and death. The water flowing through the bowls represents infinity, and it reminds us that everything is connected. When life ends, we return to the earth to create new life, and so on...
The Pixie is also wearing a necklace that holds the Dagaz rune, which means beginnings, awakening, changes, cycles, transformation and optimism.
The Pixie has one leg dipped into the pond and one leg out of the pond. The leg out of the water represents the material world and the leg dipped into the water represents our subconscious.
Everything about this card represents balance and harmony.
The Temperance card reminds us to remain calm during times of stress. Perhaps you've already mastered this still, or are starting to learn how.
This card also suggests that we take a look at our lives and re-examine our priorities and decisions. This will help us to create balance.
Remember everything is best in moderation. Try to stick to the middle road and avoid extremes. This will help to maintain a sense of calm.
Discord, Imbalance, Lack of patience
Card in Reverse:
The Temperance card in reverse can suggest discord. Something is off-balance in your life that is causing you great stress and anxiety. Use the Temperance card in your reading to help determine which areas in your life that need peace and balance. Everything is best in moderation, so what in your life is breaking that balance?
This card can also show as a warning. Re-evaluate your choices and try to think long-term. Will this path serve you?